Sunday, September 14, 2008

"it will have your child using clay to design the floatiest boat he can!"

My goal for the semester is to fuse experience and final piece.  Not performance art per-say, but more action-art! 

I’ve also been thinking a lot about honesty/truth in making.  For me, creating becomes more meaningful with less filters, and so i want to be careful not to remove myself too much from the initial inspiration.  i was thinking about the outcome of my bed piece from last year (in an attempt to record sleep, i used clay as a bed) and how presenting the video, which was essentially a record of action-art, was painful for me.  In other ways, I’ve been pushing and testing the boundaries of my vulnerability and seeing when it’s appropriate/inappropriate, pleasant/unpleasant. I can’t really say anything conclusive about this experiment yet.  But, i think that making and then personally dispersing has an open-ness to it. 

AS a jumping point:

i’m interested in the engineering of seed-travel, and thinking about what kind/the amount of information seeds carry via wind, animals, and water as vehicle.  White Clay Creek is an attractive first vehicle for dispersion. Clay has some really wonderful qualities and i’m eager to get my hands into it again.  

sailing stones (below) are a really beautiful phenomenon that Jason told me about.  they're these huge huge huge stones in the desert that are moved by wind and create zig-zag tracks over a long period of time.

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