Monday, May 19, 2008


What does my future hold? Basically I plan to continue developing my installation. Which means Big feet?, A wall of words, car seats, video, music, BLAH. It's a bit chaotic and the pressure is on. I have one year left to construct this piece, and I'm loving it. I appreciate all of the feed back on the bugs and one comment concerning giant feet actually inspired me (Thank You!). I plan to get the "me" part of the installation, the wall of bipolar words, and the car seats done by the end of next semester. Hopefully some of the fog will begin to lift and all will be able to see the direction I am heading in. Hopefully all of the single pieces I have been working on seem more monumental in the correct context.
On the battlefront of mini golf, I have two bugs made, two left to make, then I need to fire and paint. I am really excited and basically I am just enjoying the project.
Finally I do not really have an artist or an exhibition for anyone to look at, but I do have a site. It isn't well known artists, and most do not reside in the U.S.. Yet in a way I feel as if the site relates to my current ongoing piece. It is a website for bipolar artists. I like to just drop in on it and look around at others in the world. It's interesting how we are all connected even by the smallest strands. It sort of makes you feel less alone, I think art in general does that for me. Just enjoy, or not.

P.S. The quote on the home page is from the book An Unquiet Mind. A small piece of my inspiration for my installation. It is a wonderful book and if anyone wants to read it I have it (if you have the time for that.. I know, who reads anymore!)
Well that is it. I guess.
To those of you graduating, congratulations and good luck in your future endeavors, I know you guys will go far.
To those of you that I will see next semester... enjoy summer and see you in the studio!!!!
Later Gators ~Ashlie

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