Tuesday, December 11, 2007

For John, in transit.

Now I see, something so very AMERICAN about your art : Loud, young, hot-rod art sneezed upon whatever canvas or object that you find. To you, anything and everything screams to be made relevant. I love it. Yet at the same time, there is something so tender and romantic about how you treat your work. Roaring and hideous colors placed so lovingly upon the quietest and meekest of things, whether found or created. You, sir, are one of my favorite people to watch develop as an artist. I enjoy greatly how confounded and stunned by your work you are, as though someone else made it. Someone that doesn't make sense. Someone you are very much trying to meet and understand. There is no self doubt that I can sense and that is a tremendously powerful thing to own. There is humor and a sense of play and joy that is infectious.
Obviously being in VC has informed your work, however the freedom that not being in VC has allowed you, to my mind, a much richer oppurtunity to develop. Take that, Ray Nichols.
I envy how fluid your process is and will try to emulate that in my own work. Thanks for the lesson, my man.

Since your work is so "found"


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