I am pleased to say that for our next crit I will be presenting all of my work thus far in it's incomplete/ complete versions. Hopefully this will allow for everyone to give me some feedback, and finally give everyone a better visual as to what I am working towards. As I stated in my self assessment to Abby, I am quite pleased with where this body of work is going. I have art ADD so I am jumping all around but I feel as if a lot is being accomplished.
Some new stuff I am looking at:

Yeah that is bread.. bread that takes the form of lotus flowers. I was really intrigued by the way the piece was presented. It was reminiscent of my bugs... I plan on showing them on the floor similarly. I have been looking into the way artists display their work (environment, set up, display, etc..) this piece really stuck out, and was somewhat humorous.

Also fluffy pills. I am working with a lot of different media (video, seating/sewing, ceramics, I think a plush aspect would be interesting. I only know how to crotchet though.. we will see, I already have a full plate.
Another thing I plan on doing (next semester) is to document my semester in a journal form through coloring books. At some point of everyday for a full semester I want to sit down and color, be it 3 hours on one pic or 5 minutes. I want to see if the way I color says something about my mood, like attention to detail color choice. Just a little experiment I want to work with.
Besides all that jazz I am in a British Literature class and find myself rapped up in the Romantic poets.
I'm really enjoying, Shelley, Blake, Wordsworth, and Keats. Blake especially. I think I can relate to his work and the destruction of innocence through experience. It also helps to know that Blake dabbled in the visual arts himself. If you like to read, (especially about transcendence, nature, and emotions) check out some of the work by these guys.
Also for Christmas if anyone would like to get me "The Bipolar Dementia Art Chronicles" ( a book I have been eyeing) that would be great.. (joking of course). I was looking to find some more info on bipolar artists... but that didn't pan out the good news is that I found this book. Now I just have to get my hands on it and find some time to sit and read it!
I guess that is sort of it. I plan to keep working on the 3.5 pieces I have now and just keep going. Hopefully I get to the plush and coloring book part of the installation soon. I also hope that this all makes more sense to everyone after seeing my crit!