Friday, October 31, 2008


i want to make sure i get the most out of myself in this opportunity to work amongst you all, in our fantastic class. Abby says push, create, think, take advantage of the situation: the people I’m involved with/the opportunity to work in this specific setting.
I’m finding that I really enjoy collaboration. With the video we’re (Jason, Brittany and I) working on, ideas flow well between three heads, and actions happen more quickly through three sets of hands. I like the honesty in real time footage of unplanned actions. The process is freeing—lots of room for experimentation. I can't imagine an end. I’m really excited about this.

what else:
1. the slouch.
what happens when you remove tables and chairs, computers and books, coffee and tea? what does that look like?
2. glass box.

I’ve been consumed by the idea of a glass/plexi-glass box.
I want to make this and put it in a field, and be in it. I’m constantly trying to think of the right language to illustrate a movement. I want to just trace. I want to film the act of fast, desperate tracing. Exist on the fringe and let this whole entity—box and me, cramped---exist quietly below a flock of birds. An eyeball in a field.

this is my blog:

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