Thursday, February 21, 2008

The projects I can't tell you about...

Hello all. Ok so here is how the semester is looking for me. Im graduating in May (eek) I have decided to continue what I was playing around with last semester, and just pushing it farther and into a much more complicated realm than it was before. For those of you who weren't around last projects were a series of little word game type things where you had to guess the phrase, pun, idiom, whatever from the little figures.

So now...I've worked out ways to make them much harder to figure out. I'm including more challenging phrases, interactive elements like various kinds of puzzles, and fun things like mondegreens. (how great of a word is that!?) The more I play around with them, the more ideas I come up with to make each one more elaborate. My goal is to just keep producing a mass amount of them, so we will see how many I get done. Just don't ask me what each things means while Im working on them in class, as many have already discovered, I wont tell you! You just have to wait until they are done to try and figure them out properly :) I'd post links of inspirations and whatnot....but really I dont have any,...i think of the phrases, and the images come directly out of my head. It has something to do with the strange combination of being a painter and an english dork. So yeah, thats about it. Hope everyone enjoys them, and if you have suggestions I'd be more than happy to hear them!

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