This semester I want to try and focus on the Maori culture of New Zealand. The thing that is most facsinating about their culture is that it relies heavily on folklore and myth. Everything in their culture tells a story and everything has meaning. The myth I want to focus on has to do with the story of creation. It is said that heaven and earth were once joined as Ranginui, the Sky Father, and Papatuanuku, the Earth Mother, who lay together in a tight embrace. They had many children who lived in the darkness between them. The children wished to live in the light and so separated their unwilling parents. And that is just part of the story I will leave you all with....

As a side project, I'm going to try and figure out how to print on ceramic. Most of the techniques are very tedious and time consuming and have a lot of chemicals involved which I have never heard of. So I think I'm just going to try the polaroid transfer. Although apparently polaroid is going out of business so we'll see how far this idea comes along.
And if all else fails, I will just stick to my theme of voyeurism and glow in the dark paint :)
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