I also attempted to learn how to sauder, because I am still building the arms for my torso, but saudering definitely isn't the way to go. There are too many joints for saudering for it to be feasible, so I have started the very slow process of knotting together all the joints, just like the fencing that I created for the bird-cage effect.
I wasn't there the first week when the mini-golf project was discussed, so i am not really sure what the options are. I agree that it would be really fun to have it on top of a roof some where. I probably have more questions than actual ideas. Are we going to advertise for the mini-golf course? are other people (outside of the class) going to be able to play? Probably because i am coming from an illustration/graphic background, I think it would be fun to create a name, brand, and ad for the golf course that led to the "secret" course .... though I imagine, only art kids would actually take the time to check it out. haha. It would be fun if the course utilized some found objects, and wasn't just all built, like the 'hobo' version of mini golf. haha.

C R E E E E E E E P Y !!!
Should the mini golf theme be strange?
I just thought i would throw this picture in because it creeps the heck outta me. haha
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