Sunday, April 20, 2008

Golf N' Such... much to update on my still making my strange little visual phrase/word game/ whatever the heck you want to call them pieces.I wouldnt really say im struggling with any of them, im more of just struggling to find time with the BFA exhibition coming up rather quickly. So anyway, about this whole mini golf thing...I like the idea that we start off with some sort of a phrase or something that we can all bounce off of...that way it can still be crazy, but not complete random chaos. I think there needs to be some way to unify the whole thing, and thats probably the best way to do it. As for potential location, definitely either the Green or the front lawn of Old College maybe. We'd probably attract more pedestrians around the green, but at old college we might even get some of the cars to stop or something, maybe have some people with signs like the groups that always do the protests right there... I guess this is going to be a rather short posting...unless I can come up with more later to add on. Mmk thats all...

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