My dog is drinking water and it's so loud. lap lap lap luck lap lah lah lah lllllah llllllllllllllllaaaaaa.
There was an eye at MOMA. It is some installation that was being set up while we were there. Interestingly, the setting up part drew quite a crowd. More proof that process is more important than your puny final product. mu-ha ha ha.
Here is a quote from the final battle between process (YAY!) and final product(BOO!):
"Your powers are weak, old man"
"Strike me down now and I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine"
Here is a portrait of the back of Bill Deering's head:
don't let him know that you know his name or he'll stomp and stomp until he falls through the floor and disappears forever.....
Seriously, the installation was beautiful.. Better still looking down upon. That you in and blows you out all at the same time. Nevermind the projections. All about visual stimulation or over stimulation. the sense of sight plugged in, amplified, pre-packaged and injected with lots and lots of sugar.
If I can find the artist name i'll post it. As of yet, I kind of like that i don't know who made it.
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