Wednesday, November 5, 2008

just keep swimming...

I completely forgot to do the blog post... my mind has been just that scattered over the past few weeks. Its been crazy, the end of october always is for me. Anywho, now that all of my responsibilities have been met for the stuff I was doing outside of school, i can be a little less scatterbrained about everything. Oh, and I voted, and things came out the way I wanted them to so I'm a little less anxious too, yay!

I'm a little behind where I want to be at the moment... I feel like the pieces should be bigger by now, I'm having trouble really knowing how many I've made or if I've even spent enough time working on them. Right now its foggy and I can tell that I'm in the thick of this process so maybe thats a good place to be. I'm incredibly lost in what I'm doing, but that was sort of the point of doing it, so I'll just stay lost for now. Having written my artist statement for Lance's class kinda backed that up for me. Another batch just got bisqued today, although I'm waiting until I have more of them to do glazing. I want to consider at least most of them together when I go through the glaze step with them. At the moment, the forms are getting bigger, they're being constructed to act as bases for the smaller ones that have already been done... hopefully they'll interact better with one another this time. I'm also considering how I want to display them, I'm not so certain about the floor thing anymore. I like the visual layering that I get when I look at them on my shelf.

The double walled technique experimenting has worked well for me and I enjoy using it along with single walled vessels for carving... still left to do is to make up some porcelain and find that glaze recipe that I wanted to do. I lost the website >.< Karastan rug that is a family heirloom in my mom's family

Visconti's book of hours

Henna...mmmm (thas mah hand!)

Better late than never :)
-Jen Hintz

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