So, oh well, everyone is and probably will be writing about the West retrospective, but what to ya do?? Thing is, I have seen other shows this fall (I work at all college! but who wants to write about glaciers?), but Franz West's sculptures where truly memorable. Being completely honest, I did not like his posters, at all, but his sculptures where truly interesting. The ones that where interactive, or had a history of past performance where great, but most of anything I loved the paper-mache and found object sculptures. My personal favorite was the v-shaped white closet with a black line and some weird thing on top of it. I also really enjoyed the blue lamp lounge, where I sat for at least 15 minutes. Since my personal interest has become spaces (I guess) I was really drawn to how his pieces transformed the space and how they called to interact. Oh, and shall I recall the greatness of the little green hands! Yes! The "can touch" or "interactive piece" green hands that were on the tags for those pieces that, well, one could touch or interact with. Green hands, how i love you.
So, this I loved:

This not so much:

And the ancient Hispanic, African and Asian art! How wonderful!!! Those actually got me really exited and gave me chills and all. Beautiful little things they are. I like!

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