So as most everyone has seen, my first project has become a study in things that are beyond my control. Such as possibly contaminated clay that disintegrates in the kiln and "matte" glaze that is in fact not matte. however, I am somehow pleased with the outcome of my piece. I am setting her up for documentation and observation on the 9th (Friday). It will only be a question of whether or not I can correctly piece the puzzle back together. I am honestly excited to see my piece put together even though it is nothing like I originally planned. That is life.
My second piece is becoming more and more interesting to me especially as I work

The pitfire is to be built the week of Thanksgiving on my parents' farm.
I am really happy with where I am and what I have accomplished. I was of course devastated by the incident of my woman and the kiln but now I think I may like the outcome better.
In terms of links, literature, films, etc?
The Cunieform Dictionary Project
Egyptian Dictionary
Films: I just watched the movie C.R.A.Z.Y. It is in french, it is amazing and it's difficult to find in the US but totally worth the effort.

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