
Here are some awesome leaves that someone made out of paper clay and I think that this may have been the effect that you were going for with the original grass forms that you wanted. So it is possible to make it natural!

Ok last example. You can get this stuff really really thin and if you use porcelain it can become very transparent, which opens a lot of doors to play with the way light passes through or interacts with the surface.
I think you should really go after the grass forms because you could make them really interesting with this material whether it be with the way light interacts with it or just the form itself. I'm sure that you could start some kind of interesting dialogue with the forms if you execute it well.
Here are some sites that may help a little:
PS... If you want I can copy some of my books that have info on paper clay.
Please acknowledge the name of artists whose works you cut and paste onto your blog. The amazing paperclay "lattice" work you used is by Gerry Bennett (see www.jerrybennett.net/ and his blog is at http://paperclay.blogspot.com/.
I'm sure he would appreciate you mentioning his name, and not just copying his images.
Are you really intent on making your own paper clay? Laguna Clay Company and Axner Pottery supply now supply pugged paper clay in red and white, low to high fire. That covers the US, and, if your local distributor doesn't offer it you can get a 50 pound box delivered to your door for only $15 shipping All three formulas are very workable, won't laminate and the B-Mix with grog version and the Bobs Tile and Sculpture formula throw very nicely (just don't use a great deal of water when throwing).
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