Some sort of mix-up with the alphabet I suppose. I know you already have a post about your work, Jen, but I had been thinking about patterns for you so I'm going to let you know what I found even though Esteban got here first.

I've been reading a book called Godel, Escher and Bach for awhile now and have become really interested in how pattern and mathematical/natural patterns like those from the golden ratio show up everywhere. The detail of your work and they way you described the super-absorbing process of doing it reminded me of the way Escher's drawings turn back in on themselves and the way fractals (based on mathematical systems) create sort of endlessly detailed patterns.
I think the absorbing rhythmic quality of your work is especially interesting. I'm not sure why, but when when I see all the bottles, vases, etc. on you shelf I just want to go inside them. Probably because that's where my mind's been these days. But I was reminded of a pattern exhibit for children I saw in a museum once. The kids learned about patterns in their cells and their DNA and of the changing seasons and turning earth and got to be part of patterns with their body. Sort of like a dance. I wonder if your ceramic pieces could do bellydancing...
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