You are sort of creating this massive personal narrative/invitation to others into your self. Have you looked at other artists that deal with self exposure? When we talked you mentioned the questions you have within yourself, about medication, what is right for you, noting changes in your moods and behaviors. You seem very self aware. You are using things like your drive to/from specific familiar places to invite people in. I have been thinking about that too. I recorded myself doing a familiar drive this summer. You have a strange mix of mundane/hyper personal which is interesting, a whole picture sort of deal. You also talked about this huge final installation that sot of represents your world. Is the connecting thing that they are all about you, or is the randomness/perhaps seeming disconnection part of it? Or should everything have some sort of bond with all the others? I thought about that artist who makes all the pills....beverly...
Since everything seems to come from inside I feel like the space needs to be very intimate, I wonder about where all these things will be and how they will be lit/presented and how they will be ale to invade the viewers space... how will we inhabit it?
Although your stuff is really personal you are dealing with some kind of iconic/heavy things.
sculls, pills, chemical imbalance your body changing location...
not so much memory but stream of consciousness?
if you are worried about connecting with your audience, you should take a look at this master of universality I put one of his images at the top.
I was thinking about self portraits, and I thought of Frida Kahlo. Her self portraits had fanstasy/surrealism and serious inner reflection, not simply an image of herself. I also sort of see a connection between this organization of elements or compartments of thought.
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